
How is Knomi Kado different from subscription boxes and corporate gifting services?

  • We personally ship your items. Although your items will come from various retailers, Knomi Kado ships everything together.

  • We aren’t a subscription company. You can order from us as often as you’d like, and you are only charged when your order is placed.

  • We don’t buy in bulk nor are we selling you overstock. Our items are handpicked based on your unique personality.

  • No two boxes are exactly alike. We are a curated gift-giving concierge. We review your survey answers, budget, and categories, and then we begin shopping.

  • We will never send you the same thing twice. Just in case you do decide to be a repeat customer, our data is constantly refreshed to ensure you won’t receive duplicates unless you specify otherwise.

  • Our survey is very thorough. Our survey is long enough to be beneficial to our shoppers but not too long you exit our site without finishing it. We really want to get to know your likes and dislikes, so we can tailor your gift to your personality and style.

  • We ship items based on your categories. We don’t limit our inventory to what can fit inside a mailer box. You could receive a box big enough to fit a vase or small enough only for jewelry.

When will my order ship?

Your surprise gift will ship within 4-7 days of confirmed payment.

How does Knomi Kado work?

Shopping for yourself: You complete our survey, pay for your tier package, and then we begin shopping. If you’d like to increase your budget, send us an email to discuss.

Shopping for someone else: Purchase one of our custom gift boxes. You will receive a link to the shopping survey via email, which you can either complete on behalf of the gift recipient or forward to them so they can fill it out themselves.

Will I receive any hints about the gifts?

No. It is 100% a surprise, no spoilers allowed.

What’s the difference between the $150 and $250 tiers?

Your selected tier determines how cost effective we have to be when choosing our gift selections to ensure you receive your money’s worth.

How do you pronounce Knomi Kado and what does it mean?

Knomi Kado = nō mē kuh dō
Kado was inspired by the French word for Gifts = Cadeaux, so Knomi Kado means Know Me Gifts

What is your return policy?

Like comparable businesses, we don’t offer refunds or exchanges since our items are based on your survey responses. If an item is damaged, we will gladly replace it. Otherwise, please consider regifting / selling the unwanted item(s). Please read our reviews and testimonials, and rest assured we take our gift selections very seriously.

How many items will I receive?

It depends on your budget and your category selections, but so far the range is 4-12.

What are the categories?

Home Décor
Office Décor
Books & Stationery
Skin & Beauty
One Size Fits All Accessories

What brands do you shop?

It's not about us. If we find something a customer will like, then we will buy it, whether it’s from Abercrombie or Zappos. When completing the survey, you’ll notice we suggest you mention some stores and brands you love in order to help us become even better shoppers. However, please note there are limitations to the brand portfolio. Due to the cost of our tiers, we are currently not purchasing high-end retail. However, if you are interested in spending more money, contact us.

Why was Knomi Kado started?

Initially, Knomi Kado was founded so that single women could experience the joys of receiving a surprise gift that was also personalized and meaningful.

Does Knomi Kado work with businesses?

Our services are available to anyone who needs a gift. Whether you’re looking for closing gifts, bridesmaids proposal boxes, party favors, or corporate gifts, we can help. Click here to schedule a free 30 minute consultation.